Trip to Tasmania
In 2011 seven NZ South Pacific Packard members headed to Tasmania for the inaugural Trans Tasman Packard rally which involved a 13 day rally around the island. They were Judy and Peter Talley from Motueka, George and Jo Wallis from Wanaka, Nelson Taylor from Muriwai Beach, Auckland and ourselves Robert and Lynette Duncan, Wanaka.
Anthony Spinks from AusTrips, Devonport organised the rally including all accommodation, activities and most meals. He travelled in front in his utility (for excess luggage) and trailer (for breakdowns). Although Anthony supplied a full itinerary with accompanying maps, it was a case of “follow the leader” around Tasmania, enabling us to enjoy the scenery and not have to worry about navigating. Our co-ordinators Rob & Margaret Trembath from Adelaide, travelled in their Audi due to Rob’s recent hip surgery. They were our tail-end Charlie to ensure no-one was left behind or got lost. Great way to have a rally.

Posted: Friday 7 December 2012